Sunday, March 22, 2009

We are all called to be saints!

I've been quite busy these past few days, so much so that I neglected posting here my reflections and prayers for the daily Mass readings. There are about nine entries in all that I haven't been able to transfer here. They're quite lengthy, so I don't think I'll be able to post them all online.

I will just proceed to sharing my "hidden treasure" for the third week of March.

My favorite readings for the third week are:

1. Deuteronomy 4: 1, 9 and
2. Mark 12: 29-31

You can use your bible to read the verses above.

Anyway, I believe these are the most important thoughts God wants to impart to me this week end:

1. "I have given you all these laws so that you may find true life, true peace, true joy, true happiness and meaning."

2. "My laws, finally, are summarized into two: Love Me above all else and with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself and as I love you."

I also encountered an interesting thought while reading Fr. Joel O. Jason's meditation on the Scripture reading for today. He said, "Jesus became man, that man may have the opportunity to become like God."

Isn't that an amazing insight?

I remember what Fr. Robert Barron explained once in one of his sermons in the Word On Fire website. He said something like this: God did not deem equality with Him something to be grasped. That's the reason why Adam and Eve sinned and why they were exiled from the Garden. They wanted to be like God. By eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they appropriated to themselves the power to decide what's right and what's wrong -- a right which only belongs to God for He is Justice Himself. Now, by becoming man, Jesus showed man that divinity is not really something to be grasped. Rather, it involves self-emptying, self-sacrifice, or the giving of one's self to others in love. It's as if Jesus is telling us: "This is what it means to be like God. Follow me, and I will show you the path that leads to true divinity." And that ultimately is what God wants for each and every one of us -- to become like Him, to become more and more divine. To become perfect, as He is perfect.